After we had been in the Pod for about a week I asked students to share how they felt about traveling from the pod to other parts of the school. These comments are from April 12th:
It takes a longer time to get to places. We got like 5 more minutes to get to places, but it is fun to get to where we need to go. Like recess, it takes longer now because they blocked the way we used to go. DB
Traveling from the pod to the school is OK. It doesn't seem like a long walk, but I am not complaining about it. I like the longer walk. So I am fine with it. KC
When we moved to the pods it took us two days to get there. Because we had to pack up. It takes us a long time to get to art from the pods. That's why we have to bring our backpacks with us. We walk a lot. TH
It's a long walk especially to the ball field and PE. If there were an elevator it would be better because you are at the classroom and then you'll be in where ever you want to be. TJ
It takes about 5 minutes to go somewhere. It's pretty fun in the beginning. I've been to places that I haven't been in a long time. Feels fresh outside. I like walking. AM
When we go from place to place from the pods it takes too long. I like being in the pods but we've got to walk too far. If I'm having a good day I would not mind, but my legs be hurting sometimes. I like the pods. LM
Traveling to the pods is fun because I like to walk. Sometimes I walk to my friends house, to the basketball court. I walk to the football field. Then I walk back home. JO
Traveling to and from the pod to other parts of the school is doing too much walking. I like it because I am getting exercise. It is too long from the pod to the school. It gets really cold in the pod so when I go outside it feels better. I love to walk. AS
It feels long and boring. Some of the places we go in the building are not that far. After we go somewhere we go to the next place. It takes a while to get to lunch. It takes a long time to the car line. DS