Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Speas Holiday Program

On December 7th the Speas 3rd - 5th grades presented a holiday program. The students did a wonderful job - singing carols and telling a holiday story. I appreciate the students who came - Arien, John, Axel, Malik, Avery, Ricardo, Daniela and Micah - and I'm very proud of their effort.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Creating Ecocolumns

Studying Ecosystems

This quarter we have been studying ecosystems. Students were divided into groups of three and each group built an ecocolumn. Each column consisted of an aquarium and terrarium. Our aquariums contained mosquito fish, snails, elodea, duckweed and algae. The terriums had crickets, isopods (roly polys), rye grass, alfalfa, and mustard. We observed our ecocolumns and took observation notes about the plants and animals. Here are some student drawings illustrating their group's ecocolumn. These drawings were done by Daniela, John and Avery.