Sunday, September 4, 2011

Welcome Back to School!

We're starting a new school year at Speas Elementary. Our building project is approaching an end. There are lots of new spaces at Speas and some updates on old ones. What do you think of the new "face" of our school?

Friday, June 17, 2011

Ice Cream Party

To celebrate the end of school, students earned an ice cream party by showing how they could be their BEST at Speas. Students got to eat their own sundae and then made sundaes out of the principals. What a great way to finish out the school year. Happy summer!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

5th Grade Celebraton

The fifth grade at Speas had the end-of-grade celebration last Friday, June 10th. We dressed up to be recognized with awards and a certificate of completion of Elementary School. Now it's on to a new adventure in middle school!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

EOG Testing

Soon it will be time for the EOG tests. Do you feel as if a dark cloud is hovering over your head? Do you think you are prepared? Is there something more you plan to do before the tests begin on May 23rd?

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Shad in Schools project

For four days, 5th graders at Speas took care of shad eggs. The eggs were delivered on April 11th from Edenton, NC. Lynn, from the NC Museum of Natural History, brought the eggs to us. They stayed in a tank in Ms. Linhart's room. Students took turns checking the water for ph, ammonia, chlorine, and temperature levels. We looked closely at the eggs and took out dead ones (they are fuzzy and white). The eggs hatched quickly, in just two days. On Friday, April 15th we took the fry to Belews Lake where they will eventually end up in the Roanoke River to get to the Atlantic Ocean. We hope some of our babies will make it!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Black History Month

Last month our class researched famous black Americans. Every 5th grader at Speas learned about a different person. Students researched musicians, inventors, politicians, writers, civil rights leaders and more. The culmination of our research was a presentation in the media center. Each student shared what they learned during the course of their investigation.

What did you learn from our investigations? What did you enjoy most about the project?

Saturday, January 1, 2011

White Christmas

What a surprise to actually have a white Christmas this year. Everything looked so beautiful! I was sorry I didn't get to visit with my father's family but I enjoyed just being at home. What did you do in the snow?